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Your Marketing Vision!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Marketing Impact – Do it Like Heineken

Maximize your marketing impact with a mind-blowing video commercial – do it like Heineken!

Would you play Departure Roulette? Would you change your current plans and travel to a place the roulette picks for you?

Heineken released a new video commercial about a game of Departure Roulette. A few people at JFK Airport were ready to jump in and play the game without knowing what exactly to expect – that is, where their journey will end.

What an amazing concept? Ask travelers to push a red button, be prepared to trade their current ticket and agree to fly to whatever destination the roulette will randomly show. It could be Mongolia, Argentina, Morocco, Spain, Thailand and you have to leave. Would you be willing to press the button and take your chances?

Here’s the catch: if you decide to play and your destination shows up on the departure roulette board you’ll need to leave right away. Would you still do it? Are you still interested in playing this game?
Heineken’s call-to-action at the end of the video says “Drop everything. Push button. Commit to: WHAT WOULD YOU DO.”

It’s fascinating how Heineken manages to make the viewers go through the same emotions. Doesn’t one of your own first questions sound something like ‘Would I do that if I were in their place?’. The video keeps the viewers engaged and that is marketing impact at the highest level. What would you do?

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