Your Marketing Vision!

Your Marketing Vision!

Saturday, November 29, 2014

ქენონის "BRING IT" კამპანია

ქენონმა გადაწყვიტა მომხმარებლის წასახალისებლად ბოლო სარეკლამო რგოლში მათ მიერ გადაღებული ფოტოები გამოეყენებინა. 

ინიციატივა ეფუძნებოდა არა უბრალოდ კარგი, არამედ საუკეთესო ფოტოებისა თუ ვიდეოების გადაღების იდეას, და ხაზს უსვამდა კომპანიის პროდუქტის უმაღლეს ხარისხს.

სმართფონების, ტაბლეტებისა და სხვა საშუალებების გამოყენებამ ბოლო 2 წლის განმავლობაში კამერის მომხმარებელთა ბაზარი იმდენად შეამცირა, რომ გვინდოდა გამოგვეცოცხლებინა იგი და ხალხისათვის უკეთესი ფოტოების გადაღების იდეა მიგვეწოდებინა - მიშელ ფერნანდესი, ქენონის მარკეტინგის ხელმძღვანელი.

Friday, October 31, 2014

ჰიუნდაის სახალისო ექსპერიმენტი ელანტრას ახალი მოდელისათვის

2012 წელს, ჰიუნდაი ელანტრა აღიარებულ იქნა წლის ჩრდილო–ამერიკულ ავტომობილად. ამის შემდეგ ჰიუნდაიმ კიდევ 2 ახალი მოდელი წარმოადგინა. ამოცანა იყო მომხმარებლისათვის ელანტრას სრული ოჯახის გაცნობა სახალისო და ინტერაქტიული გზით. რუკების, 3D ანიმაციისა და Google-ის ქუჩის ხედების კომბინირებულად გამოყენებამ მომხმარებელს საშუალება მისცა აერჩია სასურველი ელანტრა და გამოეცადა ვირტუალურ ტესტ დრაივზე ფერად ციფრულ სამყაროში. იდეის განხორციელებამ ელანტრა ჰიუნდაის ნომერ 1 გაყიდვად ავტომობილად აქცია. პირველი 6 თვის განმავლობაში ვებგვერდზე 910 000 ვირტუალური ტესტ დრაივის განხორციელება დაფიქსირდა.

Friday, October 10, 2014

E-Mart–ის მფრინავი მაღაზია

სამხრეთ კორეულმა მაღაზიათა ქსელმა E-Mart-მა გადაწყვიტა „მფრინავი მაღაზიებით“ მიექცია იმ ადამიანთა ყურადღება, რომელთაც საკმარისი დრო არ ქონდათ შოპინგისათვის. როგორც ცნობილია, სამხრეთ კორეელები დაკავებული სამუშაო გრაფიკით ხასიათდებიან. კომპანიამ მარკეტინგულ სააგენტო „Cheil Worldwide“ – თან ერთად დაგეგმა კამპანია, რომლის მიზანიც იყო მომხმარებლისთვის საშუალების მიცემა განეხორციელებინათ შესყიდვა E-Mart–ის ვებგვერდიდან გადაადგილების პროცესშიც კი. ამისათვის მან გამოიყენა სატვირთოს ფორმის და კომპანიის ფერებში ბრენდირებული ჰაეროვანი ბალონები, რომელთაც მიმაგრებული ქონდათ wi-fi როიტერები. ისინი გაშვებულ იქნა სავაჭრო ცენტრებში, მეტროში და სხვა საზოგადოებრივი თავშეყრის ადგილებში. მფრინავი ბალონები უზრუნველყოფდნენ წვდომას უფასო ინტერნეტზე. შესაბამისად, მომხმარებლებს შეეძლოთ თავიანთი მობილური ტელეფონებით მომენტალურად გადმოეწერათ E-Mart-ის აპლიკაცია და შეეძინათ პროდუქტი მისი საიტიდან. თვის განმავლობაში აღნიშნული აპლიკაციის გადმოწერის რიცხვი 50 000–მდე გაიზარდა.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

SNCF Railways: Interactive Doors To Europe

Imagine if you could be connected from one holiday destination to another in real time, well, that’s exactly what SNCF Railways did for their latest campaign, ‘Europe, It’s just Next Door’.

They placed interactive doors across prominent tourist locations in Europe, where each door hid full-bleed LED Screens, connected live to other parts of Europe, showcasing specific cultural attractions!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Adidas Vs Nike: The World Cup 2014 Marketing Battle - "Risk Everything" or "All in or Nothing"?

Less than 3 weeks away, the largest single-event sporting competition in the world is on the horizon: the 2014 FIFA World Cup. However, outside of the football world exists another notable and competitive rivalry between two of the largest sportswear companies in the world. That’s right, Nike and Adidas. Both brands have kicked off their marketing campaigns with the hopes of scoring the most goals in a hotly contested World Cup merchandizing battle. 
Nike was the first to launch its “Risk Everything” football campaign. Subsequently, Adidas recently launched its “All In or Nothing” World Cup campaign. With both ads employing the concepts of risk, pressure, and competition, it will be very interesting to see who will come out on top in the 2014 Marketing World Cup.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Big Idea 2014: Stop Selling and Start Marketing

If you’re the leader of a professional services firm and you’re cracking the whip to get your business development person to make more cold calls, 2014 is the year you should stop cracking.

A better alternative

Management genius Peter Drucker preached, “The aim of marketing is to make selling superfluous.” In other words, the goal of marketing is to make a product, service, or company so relevant and compelling that it literally sells itself.
If you think this is hyperbole, consider captivating products like the iPhone. Can you imagine ever seeing an iPhone salesman? Instead, zealous customers are lined up in front of Apple stores for hours.

If your firm would spend more time and energy developing and marketing a relevant, differentiated “product,” you could spend a lot less time and energy trying to sell it.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Explosive Experiential Marketing Campaign

Jordan joined up with Wieden + Kennedy in New York to announce the launch of the new Jordan Melo M8 shoe. This innovative use of 3D projection technology demonstrates how brands can use iconic locations at night in new ways to launch products and conduct experiential marketing activites.

We’ve seen many marketing events use 3D projections however this is the first we’ve seen on water.

The result is… well, explosive.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Fooled Ya! Brands' April Fools' Day Jokes

1. HubSpot rolls out Sprocket Vision

If you think business-to-business companies can’t enjoy the April Fools’ holiday, just look to HubSpot, which is rolling out Google Glass style glasses to enable marketers to simply look at someone and determine whether he or is a qualified lead. They’re called Sprocket Vision. Here’s the video:

Thursday, March 27, 2014

15 Exceptionally Beautiful Product Packagings That Will Steal Your Heart

These product packagings are so innovative and creative that you won't believe your eyes. So gear up for a treat because these products are winners!

1. Honey Packaging for Klein Constantia Farm

The small white box resembles a bee have box with embossed ridges to denote planks of wood & nails. The famous Klein Constantia crest is gold foiled on the front of the box below the diecut slit that has one bee on its way into the box inviting you to open the packaging. The box opens to reveal a, bee covered, honey comb pattern as well as small diecut bees packaged inside each box.

2.Waterproof Watches Sold in Bags of Water

“We believe in what we can see: the maximum transparency of the packaging design shows the absolute confidence we have in our product. That’s why we submit the Festina Profunda to quality control directly at the point of sale: the watch is presented in a transparent bag filled with distilled water. In subjecting it to this visible test of endurance we can convince the customers of the watch’s outstanding quality.” - Scholz & Friends

3. Fruit Juice Packaging

What can better define a fresh juice than its innovative packaging. This one's brilliant don't you agree?

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Digital Subway Hair Product Ad Reacts to Arriving Trains

A new type of digital billboard is on the prowl. It’s smart. It’s unique. It’s interactive.

Dead are the ways of putting up a billboard that is static and doesn’t react to the surroundings. Apotek, a swedish pharmacy brand, partnered with Swedish agency, Åkestam Holst, to create a unique digital billboard ad that reacted whenever a subway train arrived. The billboard featured a lovely young woman whose hair blew in the wind upon the arrival of a subway train. Once the train made it’s stop, the branded messaging appears on the billboard.
The tagline: Make your hair come alive.

The video was published on February 25th and in 2 days had over 498,000 views. The number of plays on the video tripled overnight and had a lot of publications buzzing about this unique digital billboard.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Creative Guerilla Marketing Campaigns

With the downturn in the economy and marketing budgets smaller than the Dow Jones average, it’s a perfect opportunity for small business owners to compete in the branding wars. But to do so you have to be creative. Using “guerilla” marketing can be one avenue to make a big, and fun, impression on a small budget. Keep it simple, but make an impression. Try to find ideas that people will respond to, something to lighten their day, such as music, food, children, and art.

We are so overwhelmed with advertising everywhere that it becomes hard for creative agencies to make ads that stand out. Guerilla advertising is a great way to make unusual, surrealistic visuals and situations that passers by will remember. Here is a selection.

1. Superette – Short shorts

The bench that turns you into a walking advertisement if you are wearing short shorts. 

2. Folgers Coffee

Seen in New York, how would you not go grab a coffee there?

Here's something Gothamist has never seen in New York before - advertising on manhole covers. Via coloribus, it seems like Saatchi & Saatchi is doing some guerilla advertising for Folgers coffee. We must say that it's a brilliant use of manholes who, before this, were best used for tattoos. And while it's original, Gothamist doesn't think "" when we smell some of the steam coming out of manholes. Next up for marketers, printing a vinyl cover with lots of dog poo on it. "Take a whiff, New York. A steaming pile of poo."

3. Submerged Gotham

Cool idea to promote the movie “The day after tomorrow”, it gives the illusion that NYC has been submerged by the waters

To promote the 2004 global-warming disaster movie The Day After Tomorrow to Indian audiences more likely to buy tickets for the latest Bollywood extravaganza, Indian ad agency Contract created a dramatic outdoor campaign for the Mumbai theater Fame Adlabs. They planted a billboard in the sea not far from Mumbai, so that it appeared submerged under water. In addition, the firm placed what looked like the tip of the Empire State Building further out to sea. The idea was to mimic the effect of Manhattan being overwhelmed by a giant wave in the movie—albeit off the Indian coast.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

At Rio carnival, beer cans recycled in exchange for train rides

        A lot of social problems don’t have easy answers, let alone ones that truly engage consumers and alter their behavior. It’s probably rare that a promotional campaign for an alcoholic beverage can provide both solutions and benefits for its targeted audience. However, with its Beer Turnstile campaign, Brazil’s AmBev – in collaboration with advertising agency AlmapBBDO – did just this. Offering partygoers at the annual Rio carnival a free train ride home in exchange for handing in an empty can of its Antarctica beer, the company simultaneously avoided rubbish on the street, ensured the cans were recycled, reduced instances of drink driving by 43 percent, provided attendees with free transport and promoted the brand, the carnival and the train operators as socially responsible businesses.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Corona Billboard Transforms The Moon Into A Lime

Beer brand Corona Extra, in partnership with ad agency Cramer-Krasselt, incorporated the moon into their billboard in a unique ad campaign called Luna Corona.The brand worked with top universities and planetariums to gauge the precise moment and calculate the angle when the moon moves at the right place to appear like the slice of lime on top of the illustrated bottle on the billboard.

Luna Corona happened on June 14th and 15th at 15th Street and 19th Avenue in downtown New York.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Marketing Impact – Do it Like Heineken

Maximize your marketing impact with a mind-blowing video commercial – do it like Heineken!

Would you play Departure Roulette? Would you change your current plans and travel to a place the roulette picks for you?

Heineken released a new video commercial about a game of Departure Roulette. A few people at JFK Airport were ready to jump in and play the game without knowing what exactly to expect – that is, where their journey will end.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Best Marketing Campaigns: British Airways lookup in Piccadilly Circus

If you want to see some of the world’s biggest brands fighting for space to advertise just go to Piccadilly Circus and enjoy the scenery. Brands like Coca-Cola, Samsung, McDonald’s are all present on the main Piccadilly billboard. Make sure you visit this exciting place in the evening. The lights are phenomenal.

I’d like to share the ‘story’ of one particular billboard that caught my attention these days. It’s one of the smartest and most creative marketing campaigns I’ve seen. The company behind this magical billboard is British Airways (BA).

The billboard basically texts in real-time the flight information for every British Airway plane that passes. As soon as a BA plane flies over the Piccadilly Circus (the location of the billboard), a little kid shows up in the ad and points up at the sky, giving us some details about that particular flight. Check out the video below and see how it works…

Friday, January 3, 2014

Apple's New Christmas Ad Might Actually Make You Cry

It must be a little dusty in here, because there’s something in our eye. Or maybe it’s because we were just watching Apple’s new holiday ad. The 90-second spot shows off the power of the new iPhone, all while tugging at the heartstrings.

The best holiday ads have always leaned heavily on simplicity, nostalgia and a strong sense of family — who can forget the Folgers ad where the son comes home from college to surprise the family on Christmas morning — it’s endured since 1985. Apple is taking a page from that playbook with their new holiday-centric commercial, “Misunderstood.”